Sam's personal site, not too much to see and little in the way of actual physical knives.

TODO: update this site into a more businesslike consulting format

tab navigation man tabs

email: samuel dot murphy on the service provided by google

test and test again RUN TESTS

Note: This is a personal site. The name is a reference to a user id I've often used on varous projects that let me feel quie the cool badass coder wonk. Many applications, companies and bugfixes ago I needed to set up a unique name for testing and didn't want to use my exact spelling but did want to leave a bit of trail for later searching, indulgeing in a small 'coolness' often used Sam T. Knife. It's sprinkled in mostly internal test systems.

Python experiments

wordpress site(not much there)

rails tests (sad and lame so far)

~~tilde club~~~ (rip /


OAuth 2 test

D3 test

Web VR A-frame demo grrr what did I break now....
just say xyzzy